
Artur Bodachevskyi

Senior Front-End Engineer

Company: DataArt

Stream: А

Time: 11:00 - 11:45 (GMT +02:00)

Country: Ukraine

Language: English

Talk: Intro to Image Recognition with Teachable Machine and ML5.js.

About the Speaker

I use JavaScript, React, and Redux to develop beautiful applications and platforms. I am also very passionate about new technologies and startups.

Talk: Intro to Image Recognition with Teachable Machine and ML5.js.

We are going to explore the topic by creating a basic model for image recognition with the use of the Teachable Machine by Google. We also going to talk about some capabilities of AI in that sphere. After that, we're going to export our model and link it with JavaScript libraries like TensorFlow and ML5.js. As the result, we're going to create a basic application that will be able to recognize and categorize certain images.